Heritage Trees


Trees are important to Cannon Beach, and the City has established a Tree Board as a part of the Parks and Community Services committee to recommend specific trees within Cannon Beach to the city council for recognition as Heritage Trees because of their size, age, historical significance, or other salient characteristics.


Any Cannon Beach resident or organization may nominate a tree, on either private or public property, for Heritage Tree listing by submitting a nomination to the Tree Board. The Tree board with guidance from the city staff and city arborist shall either approve the nomination and submit it to the city council, or return it to with reasons for rejection or request for further information or justification.

Upon recommendation of the Tree Board, the City Council may designate a tree as a Heritage Tree provided the tree's health, aerial space, and open ground area for the root system have been certified as sufficient.

If the city council approves the nomination, the tree shall be added to the official list of Cannon Beach Heritage Trees on the City Web site.

Heritage Tree Application